Ok, here it is. The FULL MOON lo-down. Major undeniable energy swirling in the air, how can we alchemize in the fire? Don’t miss the Mercury Retrograde lo-down here if you haven’t already!
First a great overview from
“Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts.”
“This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. With Mercury conjunct Uranus around the same time as the lunation, this Full Moon brings awareness in a sudden, unexpected, or unconventional way.”
“With the Moon full and bright in the sky, symbolic ‘illumination’ occurs in our own lives. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness….Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet.”
© Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved
Next  some insightful words from Cathy Lynn Pagano and her website
“Take these retrogrades seriously. Â We are being given a cosmic boost to help us re-align our desires, our love nature and our ability to speak our Truth. Â We will be fine-tuning and honing ourselves for the hard work of attuning to these next years of cultural change.”
“Once we know our own minds, hearts and desires, we have to use our Will (Sun) to “make it so’. We’ve begun the process by grounding in our relationships (Saturn in Libra) with justice and balance and by returning to an awareness of the important things that sustain Life (Jupiter in Taurus). Â Now we begin the task of making the changes we’ve imagined concrete.”
“As above, so below. Â As within, so without.”
“Discipleship is the discipline of staying true to our beliefs and goals. Virgo wants to be of service and Virgo wants to do it her way.  Virgo is the Virgin, the woman who belongs-to- herself.  She is the feeling source of Life and yet she also has to discern what constitutes appropriate nurturing. She is the Mother of our new Piscean visions, and needs to focus all her resources into nurturing that vision-child. This takes the discipline of motherhood, of nurturing the potentials for this new life rather than controlling its outcome. Believe me, the only way to become a good Mother is to know yourself, so that you don’t unconsciously cause the new life to repeat your old patterns….”
“The Virgo/Pisces full Moon asks you to dedicate yourself to your awakening purpose by letting your soul guide you to a fuller, deeper, richer life…. “
“Mercury retrograde in Aries, contacting Uranus in Aries three times, opens us up to new ideas and a new sense of ourselves, and when it backs up into Pisces again, gives us another chance to open the doors of perception and fine-tune our visions of the future.”
“Please look up at the night sky, every night toward the west.  Jupiter and Venus are getting closer and closer together until they meet up on Tuesday March 13 at 10* Taurus:  A Red Cross Nurse runs to the aid of a wounded man. This is an image of the compassionate healer, the urge to care for others, to be of service to humanity and to the Earth.  Ground yourself in your love and you’ll find the courage to respond to life.”
“That is also the day Venus and Jupiter form a lucky aspect with Mars retrograde in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. Â With these four planets in Earth signs, the energy for manifestation is strong. Don’t waste your energy of irrelevancies.”
“Offer all your heart-felt wishes to the waters of the collective unconscious. Â And see what the waves bring you back.”
© Copyright 2012 Cathy Lynn Pagano. All Rights Reserved
From the super lovely Leah Whitehorse and her site Lua Astrology:
“The Full Moon is conjunct Mars and sesquiquadrate Venus. With Mars retrograde it feels like a tense alignment. It reminds me of salmon swimming upstream, sperm battling to the egg. There’s a sense of struggling against the tide. And sometimes we have to, in order to put things right, to change. Sometimes you need to break habits in order to achieve your dreams. Sometimes you need to use your willpower, fight against inertia, re-evaluate what is important and what isn’t in order to use your day productively, to keep moving forward.”
“Mercury, ruler of this Full Moon, is about to turn retrograde. Whilst not yet stationary, the Winged Messenger is slowing down and agitated by Uranus. …The two together are wired and with the Moon conjunct Mars, it feels antsy. Mercury and Uranus are also square to Pluto. Whilst the Uranus-Pluto square isn’t yet exact, its effects in the wider world are becoming more and more obvious. Things are breaking down and it feels more than a little chaotic out there…”
“There’s an escape route found in Mercury’s trine to muse of dance Terpsichore – move your body to work off any excess energy, dance out your anger. Mercury is also trine the North Node in Sagittarius, indicating it’s important to keep in mind your future vision. Where do you want to get to? Never mind anyone else….”
“This Full Moon brings to light irritations that impede you, habits that halt your progress (or surreptitiously work against your primary goals)….It’s time to focus on your own journey, kick out dissenting voices inside and out. Embrace the changes that are afoot because they are coming ready or not. This Full Moon may show you a strength you didn’t know you had.”
© Copyright 2012 Leah Whitehorse. All Rights Reserved
Lastly some beautiful insight from Jana Groscost and her website New Moon Manifesting:
“The Full Moon will also enlighten what still needs to be healed within us both psychically (Pisces) and physically (Virgo). Finding balance between day-to-day functions and routines (Virgo) while expanding our spirituality and vision (Pisces) may be a challenge. Some sort of crisis or expanded awareness provides an opportunity to explore our emotional needs, or lead us on an unexpected or unconventional course.”
“Are you fed up with all the drama? With the help of Mars in Pisces, it’s a time to break out and break free. The old patterns have to be broken before new pathways can emerge. Instead of reacting to unexpected changes and challenges, take a step back, take a deep breath, and ask yourself, “What is emerging for my highest good out of this situation?†You’ll be amazed how perceptions shift and you see things differently providing a segway to a bright future..”  Â
“It’s time to express yourself, letting the lid off of everything you’ve been holding inside. Over the next couple of weeks be open to what is expanding in your world. You’ll be amazed if you go with the flow. Use this Full Moon in Virgo to express what emotions are showing up. By expressing your emotions you’ll speak your truth, and stand in your power. Once you reclaim your power you attract and manifest more.”
© Copyright 2012 Jana Groscost. All Rights Reserved
Wow. I have to say pretty amazing insights, ones that I can definitely resonate with! Â I love the question Jana proposes we ask. “What is emerging for my highest good out of this situation?” If we can bring that into our awareness when we experience setbacks or disappointments, we can alchemize everything. Therein lies the gold! May you all ride these waves gracefully angels!
*UPDATE* Here is one more amazing insight from the always wonderful April Elliot Kent from that I’ve just added because it definitely feels like it’s a BIG theme/energy right now emerging with this VIRGO FULL MOON, and that is Criticism~
“ The editors I’ve loved working with have had something important in common. Their focus was on what was right with my work, instead of what was wrong with it… But there’s also a practical lesson in there for any of us who find ourselves in a position of critiquing others, as parents, bosses, coaches, or even friends: most of the time, high standards combined with encouragement inspires better results than criticism alone. “
“The Full Moon in Virgo – especially this one, with the Moon conjoined prickly Mars in Virgo, and Mercury square Pluto – is a good time to meditate on one of the keywords commonly associated with Virgo: criticism. Virgo’s criticism is a consequence of two other keyword qualities, discrimination and discernment. Like its opposite sign, Pisces, Virgo is idealistic, embracing dreams of perfection – but Virgo can be a bit pessimistic about the capacity of mere mortals to live up to these ideals.”
“While Pisces is blessed with the ability to overlook imperfection, Virgo is tasked with seeing each failing that stands between us and the vision. Sometimes, it must be said, Virgo indulges in negative criticism; the world is full of faults and mediocrity, and Virgo’s inability to ignore these things can turn her into a cranky scold….”
“I thought of Mom when a Virgo friend posted about honesty one day on Facebook. She wrote something like, ‘People think that being honest means criticizing people for everything that’s wrong about them. But I believe honesty means that when someone is really wonderful, or has done something amazing, then I should tell them that.”
“I like this perspective. My friend was not advocating that we massage others with condescending, Hallmark sentimentality. Rather, it’s a reminder that criticism doesn’t have to be brutal, and that the ability to perceive the faults that prevent others from being great is no more important than the ability to make them believe that they are capable of greatness at all.”
“If you find yourself in a position of being someone’s “editor,” I propose beginning not with a litany of errors and failings, but with a vision of what she might become – and more importantly, the ideal she envisions for herself. What if everything were to come together in just the right way – if she found the true center of herself, committed to the hard work of being and doing better, of humbly serving her vision? What would her paradise look like? And how can you help her get there?”
© Copyright 2012 April Elliot Kent. All Rights Reserved
1 comment
Marileidys says:
Mar 7, 2012
wow this is beyond great and I feel like it matches me 100%! I love it and I’m looking forward for this day