Scorpio FULL MOON, Beltane, Wesak! A potent night to tune in to our inner guidance for revelations and illumination…
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from the wonderful MOLLY HALL from
“Full Moons are revelatory, and Scorpio sees into the hidden bones, the underpinnings, of things… This is lunar Beltane, the night of purifying light.
“And it’s one for seeing the energetic spine of an issue. It might be one that has a psychic hold, whose roots take time and courage to dig out. If you’re wrestling with an issue, ask for clear messages, for your next right step in transforming it…”
“Though it might not be an ‘easy’ time, you might find it to be a productive one with lots of cathartic psychic hits.
“Earth energies show us how to keep it real, by being awake to what’s going on around us… These insights into the bones might call for extreme measures.
“But with Scorpiocity, we disengage from what’s draining us, and by stripping away needless drama, we fortify ourselves for the challenges ahead.
“Scorpio’s psychic-emotional power is both feared and respected. Releasing something at this Full Moon can feel daunting in some way — like it’s final, no turning back. Scorpio is often called the all-or-nothing sign. If you risk it, and surrender, the rewards are big…”
“This Full Moon is tops for ritually marking a change. It’s a sign of healing, but in the Plutonian sense. The kind that means facing demons, walking through fear and embracing the whole range of experience.
“This full Moon emphasizes both kinds of roots, the psychic subterranean kind, and those that come from being parked in one spot. It’s timely for purging the excess, what takes you off your center.
“Scorpio’s regenerative force helps you clear out the psyche, and come home to feeling good. Talking about coming home, I’d like to point out that Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs that seek security. Where is true security to be found in a time like ours?
“Wise Scorpio finds it by plumbing the depths, and transforming again and again, to stand on a sense of real integrity. Instead of checking out, we gain soul power by withstanding, and being creative where we can, in the face of adversity. True confidence emerges when there’s nothing to fear within or without.”
Copyright 2015 ~ MOLLY HALL All Rights Reserved
From the insightful DIVINE HARMONY:
“The Full Moon in Scorpio is exact on Sunday, May 3rd 2015 at 8:42pm PDT…
“The Dark Goddess is a theme in this chart as Asteroid Lilith is conjunct the Moon, opposite the Sun and parallel Pluto- Dark Moon Lilith exactly aspects the Sun, Moon and Jupiter and Black Moon Lilith aspects Uranus. All three Liliths feature in this chart- bringing a lot of potent magical, intuitive and depth/underworld insight to this Full Moon…”
“With Jupiter in Leo at the midpoint of the Full Moon, we are asked to come into the Highest expression of Jupiter in Leo while still being very much aware of the shadow potential inherent in it.
“Anchoring into/expressing more fully our gifts, our originality, our creativity and our Inner Sun/Divine Self is key. But we also need to have good ego check points that can help us balance out when we are coming from narcissism, self-importance, pride and selfishness.
“This Full Moon seems to be a reminder to us all that ‘Wisdom tells me I am nothing. Love tells me I am everything. Between the two my life flows.’ (by Nisargadatta Maharaj)
“So take time during this powerful lunar Beltane weekend to give thanks for the life, creativity and fertility present in your journey! And also take time to delve into the depths and the shadows to seek the gold (realizations) that will help you to navigate further on your path of healing and wholeness.
“’Both Light and shadow are the dance of Love” (Rumi)- and a Full Moon in Scorpio is a great reminder that not everything is what it seems and that to really understand something you have to get to the roots and not just stay on the surface.
“I leave you with one final quote from the recently passed away Dan Fredinburg (one of the Americans who died in the avalanche at Mt Everest last week): ‘May you continue to grow your fascination and Love for yourself and all your parts, though none of it is who you really are.’
“A poignant reminder that we are our surface and our depth- but we don’t want to confuse the former with the latter. Take time at this Full Moon to dig a little deeper into your self and into the Truth!”
Copyright 2015 ~ DIVINE HARMONY All Rights Reserved
From astrologer APRIL ELLIOT KENT from
“Scorpio and Pluto are the names astrologers give to the death of the ego and the wisdom of voluntarily surrendering an outmoded identity.
“‘Who would you be if you stopped being what you are?’ Scorpio whispers. I have no idea how to answer that for myself. I do know that the only way to begin to find the answer is to make space for the question.
“It’s tempting to think that travel would help, or returning to school. Jupiter in Leo, square the Full Moon’s polarity, tempts toward infinite skies, tucking away the landing gear in anticipation of a long, thrilling flight. But Taurus and Scorpio remain firmly planted on the ground, and it’s here that this Full Moon’s struggle must be resolved…”
“If we can find the nerve, we have to empty our cups of their last drops…Only when the cup is empty can we can hold it out to the universe and ask, with the bowed head of a supplicant, ‘Fill this, please.’
“It is the Taurus season of idleness and plenty. The urge is to ask for even more beauty, more pleasure, more prosperity. But until we have successfully navigated Scorpio’s portal, asking for more is like going shopping when our arms are too full of garbage bags to carry new purchases.
“So, take the garbage to the curb. Tip the last drop from the cup. Give up the thing that isn’t bringing you joy.
“Let yourself be empty, and let your heartbeat resonate within the cavernous space that opens up. Something new is coming. Make your life ready for it. Then unleash your imagination, and summon it.”
Copyright 2015 ~ APRIL ELLIOT KENT All Rights Reserved
And from the wonderful ROBERT WILKINSON from his Aquarius Papers:
“The Full Moon of Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio is a very special lunation, since for millennia it has been celebrated as marking the birth and enlightenment of the Buddha, said to be the first human to attain full higher awareness and then teach the truths that show all sentient Beings how to transcend suffering….”
“This is the largest spiritual celebration in the world, and has nothing to do with religion, since the Buddha was focused on how to live, not what to believe…
“It is said that the Wesak Festival is when Shakyamuni, (‘Sage of the Shakya clan’), through his eternal Buddha Nature, ‘opens the treasure chest’ and sends out a new global energy form of compassion to end suffering every year. So this is the time when these energies are renewed for another year…”
“So these next days meditate, open, feel the global compassion becoming stronger and more evident, and purify your life and consciousness however you need to in order to open to the timeless truths offered long ago by the one who set the pattern for the Ages. ..may you all find a form of Buddha nature which increases your wisdom and compassion throughout the next year!”
Copyright 2015 ~ ROBERT WILKINSON All Rights Reserved
FULL MOON Blessings to all!
>>> Please do not copy or replicate this entire report for your Websites, Blogs, FB Page, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram. This report was lovingly curated as content for MYSTICMAMMA.COM for your personal use and helpful guidance only~
TO SHARE >>> You may quote a small paragraph and please quote (” “) and fully credit 1) the astrologer whom you are quoting + 2) MYSTICMAMMA.COM with an active link for this Full Report. Thank you for supporting this work! ♥
Puanani says:
May 3, 2015
Mahalo for the insight ~ this is especially potent for me right now ~*~ I’m so grateful for the shadow and light!
Jennifer Marie says:
May 3, 2015
Been such an emotional roller coaster, am thankful to have some deeper insight. Will be meditating most of the day and writing things out. Peace and thanks.
Terry says:
May 3, 2015
Thanks for the full / New moon reports and kaypache reports.
Love them and always send them to my friend which also love them.
Blessings and light,
Nisya Shakti says:
May 3, 2015
Wonderful post, ty for sharing ~
Om Shanti
SJM says:
May 3, 2015
Today is my birthday and I am a Taurus sun, Leo moon, Scorpio rising! Thank you for the beautiful insight.
Holly G. says:
May 3, 2015
I am a Scorpio. And I am in transit right now. Changing career, changing my emotional character and changing my initial fleshly reaction to bit when I am aggravated. Today, I am highly aggravated by the full moon in a good way. She is pulling me at a level that is requiring this fleshly death to happen. I am heading to the underground. To deal with Lilith as my sister and my transforming. I will look at the Red Lily tattoo on my arm today and know, I am coming up higher and not gloat but float effortlessly as she pulls me into the underground. I stand, unafraid and unnerved now that I have connected with the ebb and flow of the moon. Praise for your Blog. Praise for your Words. Praise for your being sister. Thank you so much.
Jen D says:
May 3, 2015
Thank you!
teka bury says:
May 3, 2015
really nice, very inspiring . Thanks !!!!
Nomvuyo says:
May 3, 2015
Hi guys I’m also a Scorpio never took much notice of any fool moon but today I’ve got so much interest looking to release all bad energies. Thank u so much pls share more ides of what one can do during this time
Meghan reno says:
May 3, 2015
Thank you so much!these readings all resonate so deeply…I have recently let go of a love I thought was the real deal, but it was only a facade. Underneath it was evil and cruelty. So glad to feel free again. Thank you Universe!
Lavender says:
May 3, 2015
This is what I am doing to celebrate thanks to this site. I hope others enjoy the ideas.I am going to do a ceremony to empty my cup. Ask for the support of the moon in scorpio, the sun in taurus, and buddah to allow me the strength to empty my cup of all that sticks to me in unhealthy ways. I wil then pull a tarot card for the cup when full and sit with that in meditation until I am ready. When i ready i will spill the cup into a jar of transformation. I will place a flower in that jar that i have found and asked for its permission to take. I will then sot again in meditation allowing myself to empty like the cup. I will leave the flower in water to soak up moonlight all night and later i will dilute it and add vinegar to it make a flower tincture. I will then take that tincture regularly to give me strength to transform and release from suffering.
Botswana Agate says:
May 4, 2015
How many how things are playing out. Giving all my trust and love to the universe in this time of need! Cannot wait to concore May yay
Anthony says:
May 4, 2015
I just had Two very deep insights into my life. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling very strangely at ease, to see the full moon beaming at me, through my window. The clouds appeared different than usual, I swear I could see faces, some screaming, not malicious but as if they were in pain.
Without knowing there was something special about this date I was sure a change was occurring, not only in myself but the world around me.
So of course I googled todays date and after reading the above here I am commenting!
Sarah says:
May 6, 2015
I love reading this report, and all the very beautiful comments. It does my heart good! Anthony, your description of waking up to the moon beaming at you, Lavender’s celebration(which I am going to try!) Really, lately these reports feel as if I am reading my own soul when I am reading them- seems others feel the same way…sending out love, light and peace to all, and to all a good night!
Cassia says:
May 4, 2015
I am A Sagittarius Sun Scorpio Moon Cancer Rising, my emotions run deep with Scorpio. I am very excited for this full moon! Bring on the change! I’m ready!
linn zelda says:
May 4, 2015
i have been in a real transformative time the last months and it’s been both flow and ebb (as always.) in the present there is always beauty, joy, peace, love, compassion… we just need to open. it’s so important to have patience with yourself in this “process” and with those around you, who may not always understand what on Earth you are doing. (raising the frequency of your being isn’t something that is very focused on in our society. things are changing.)
deeply grateful for this Full Moon and the help, support and understanding she provides in all our journeys in shadow and light. thanks for this reading, it feels so soft and full of sweetness to tune in to the Goddess and what we here on Earth are experiencing…
thank you!
vesna says:
May 4, 2015
ThankYou SoMuch… Beautiful Post… Beautiful messages… Blessings…
Chris says:
May 4, 2015
Well I have to say, I am blown away with the truth of this, and what other have had to say about whats going on right now. Some strange things have been happening and I have noticed some changes with my energy and awareness to life and the people around me. Whats even more crazy is there is this friend of mine who I like a lot and want to be with she is a Taurus,I am a Scorpio. We have this weird connection, we haven’t spoken with each other in a while. But out of no where she sends me a text and calls me. Idk just something that came to mind. But I have a big event this weekend, that could potentially alter my life. Something hit me, to change my life and chase after what I deserve in life and use my inner powers to help other people. I know this all might sound crazy but agh… maybe someone has more incite on all of this. I would love to hear it!
Theano says:
May 4, 2015
good juice for parched throats ..
grateful hearts sing
Irene says:
May 4, 2015
thank you.
once again, so timely.
sending love.
ange says:
May 4, 2015
wow, thank-you. I now can see with more clarity what I need to let go of. My fear of sadness, i cant run away from it I must accept it with love. be compassionate to myself, sadness is part of life……
Susan Yezzi says:
May 4, 2015
This post is beyond amazing! I’m a Scorpio and can identify at this particular moment in life with everything being said. Thank You and Bless You for articulating what I’m unable to do at this time.
Doris says:
May 9, 2015
Reading this on May 9th. Feeling so much gratitude for the amazing insights from the gifted Astrologers.
Thank you. I’m a Scorpio, and feeling all the wonder of this time & place. Flying to Peru today on a solo journey.
In Love with the Universe!
With Love to Mystic Mama & all who contribute to this beautiful site!
astro-charts says:
May 9, 2015
thank you, blessings =)
Astrologer Gautam says:
Jun 8, 2018
Great Post. Thanks!
Get lost love back says:
Jan 8, 2019
Very good blog article.Much thanks again. Really Great
Breakup problem solution says:
Jan 8, 2019
nice post
anand says:
Apr 16, 2019
Nice Post..
Astrologer Narasimha says:
Aug 11, 2021
Great Post!!
Astrologer Bhagiratha says:
Jun 26, 2022
Nice Post!!
Astrologer Bhagiratha is also known as one of the internationally recognized Best Astrologer in Brisbane. He is widely recognized and recognized as a top astrologer in Melbourne who has invested in the extraordinary skills of his ancestors in Vedic astrology, divination and psychic guidance.