*LIMITED EDITION* of 13 Prints available!
*FULL MOON* in Libra brings a heart+mind alignment so we can better navigate the delicate balance of me and we within all our relations.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from our beloved featured astrologers. First from the always illuminating PAT LILES from The Power Path.com:
“Someone keeps hitting the cosmic replay button and we once again repeat the magnificent tension of an ongoing Grand Square in cardinal signs (Libra, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn).
“We have a big lesson to learn. Grand Squares send us into stress, but they are also highly dynamic. We leap forward because our pants are on fire!
“For many a Moon, this configuration of crisis and opportunity has formed and reformed around the Full and New Moons with eclipses and equinox to maximize the focus.
“This Libra Full Moon is aligned with Jupiter so the yin, emotional and feminine (Moon) is expanded and magnified by Jupiter’s unrestrained presence in air sign Libra…”
“Air signs are mental; so expect both some emotional objectivity along with excessive emotional analysis even obsession by the mind.
“An air sign Moon teaches us flexibility, to bend like a tree in the wind and to fly above the earth and gain perspective, neutrality and clarity.
“Actually, the Sun and Moon are aligning with the on-going T-Square of Jupiter opposing Uranus with Pluto squaring them both. This is big collective energy.
“It’s Vesta that draws it into a Grand Square. She represents our sacred inner self where we draw our raw sexual energy of desire from the lower chakras up into our hearts and focus it for a committed purpose.
“Dedication of this energy of sexuality and passion to a purpose that supports our heart’s desire is what’s being called out. Vesta tends that sacred flame that lights the inner sanctum within our hearts.
“Perhaps it’s dedicated to the goddess, to our art, to presence, to our hearth, to justice, to the transformation of society.
“When Vesta is such a repeated pivotal energy as it is here, it is a call to go within, seek out your intuition for guidance and clarity, to honor the sanctity of the center of your personal spiritual space.
“The Grand Square creates a map that shows that not only major, radical social and political change is upon our planet but also the necessity of inclusion of our spiritual source.
“Whatever obstacles, habits, blindnesses have stood in the path of including our spiritual consciousness in our current transformation are being raised to our awareness and cleared with much concomitant pain after the long separation from spirit.
“The awakening realization that spirit is what makes us whole and is available to support us in drawing down immeasurable gifts is what is making this planetary transition powerful and glorious.
“There’s another call to slow down and find your center in this whirlwind of transformative time…”
“Venus is ruler of the Libra Full Moon chart. She’s traveling within a degree of Chiron in Pisces as she continues retrograding…”
“With Venus-Chiron in conjunction, we are healing the ultimate, deep feminine wound, we are making ourselves whole again, bridging the worlds of the conscious and the unconscious, awakening to the cost of disrespecting the resources of the Earth and her value to our well being.
“Looking into the mirror of the other, we’re healing who we are in all our relationships from the Earth to ourselves right up to the person most intimately next to us. Deep work. Powerful transformative movement.”
© Copyright 2017 ~PAT LILES All Rights Reserved
CATHY PAGANO from her Wisdom of Astrology:
“I can remember feeling this way in the 60s – protesting the War united people and it felt as if we all had a purpose, that we could effect our world and change it. The energy of the time felt so alive! Because we were sharing it with others.
“In the aftermath of the long 2012-2015 Uranus in Aries square to Pluto in Capricorn, we are now engaged in the hard work of bringing our ideals about the future into our collective life.
“And so these same group energies are active again, and can be used in positive, conscious ways or in mob-mentality, destructive ways.
“Instead of thinking of this as a fight, think of it as Rising Up to our royal natures and taking responsibility for each other…”
“This Aries/Libra Full Moon is packed with power…”
“With the Sun in Aries, we seek a strong sense of self-identity– who am I and what am I here to do in this lifetime?
“With the Moon in Libra, our unconscious seeks a balance through relating to others – can we allow others to be themselves without judgments and expectations?
“Can we be ourselves when we’re with others, or do we need to hide ourselves behind ‘appropriate’ masks?
“Can we be ourselves in partnership? Can we find the right partners for us?
“These questions get supercharged at this Full Moon. The Aries Sun joins both Uranus and the dwarf planet, Eris, so don’t expect to be in control of what happens. Let your unique genius rock the day.
“Uranus brings us the surprise that wakes us up to a new life and Eris will bring up any discord (against the heart) that disrupts our harmony with our true Self… Eris forces us to confront what keeps us out of harmony with this Self.
“With the Aries Sun lighting up this energy, embrace whatever changes come your way…”
“Here’s where you get to change (Uranus) your story (Jupiter)…”
“Pluto in Capricorn, along with the asteroid Juno, square this Full Moon. Pluto is the planet of fate and evolution and its energy of death and rebirth has been undermining our collective institutions since 2008.
“It is our fate to live in these beautiful, dangerous times where we are called to step into our destiny to help our collective future…
“This grand cardinal cross (planets in the 4 cardinal signs – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will move our evolution and revolution forward.”
© Copyright 2017 ~CATHY PAGANO All Rights Reserved
CHAD WOODWARD from his Kosmic Mind:
“Luckily, the Full Moon in Libra conjoins Jupiter. That helps to open up new possibilities, opportunities, and connections for us at the right moment.
“However, don’t overestimate what you can handle. Don’t be surprised if the universe throws you quite a lot with this Full Moon. Your job is to mindfully discern what it is you’re capable of taking on.
“To start, take a deep breath (don’t forget to exhale). Find your center of calm or your happy place. Sit there and gather yourself.
“Transitions are often stressful; that’s a natural consequence of change.
“This social Full Moon can give you a helping hand. Consider reaching out and putting yourself out there to truly benefit, but first, make sure you’ve found some place of balance within yourself.
“That might not be reflected in your external life, but you can always find it within…”
“The need for freedom and authenticity is strong, which can go against cooperation or compromise in certain situations.
“This Full Moon equally asks that we find some balance between the need to be true to ourselves and the need to integrate with others.
“That’s a point of frustration, but again, consider new possibilities you’ve yet to encounter.
“Put yourself in a place of receptivity and trust that you will find a new solution that’s truly out of the box.
“And lastly, Venus, the ruler of the Full Moon is currently stationing and conjunct Chiron. That might accentuate heart wounds, shadows, and defects in our relationships, but realize that whatever pain you may encounter can be quickly transmuted with a change of attitude and a change of heart.
“You have the power to rise above anything you encounter with others, by seeing it from a different perspective, or even focusing on bigger things. “
© Copyright 2017 ~CHAD WOODWARD All Rights Reserved
May we move through these passages with compassion, ease and love.
*FULL MOON* Blessings to us all!
::: F U L L M O O N :::
April 10th 2017 11:08 pm PDT
April 11th 2017 6:08 am GMT
April 11th 5:08 pm AEDT
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Athena says:
Apr 10, 2017
~ Feeling it ~
Working to stay calm and grounded. Trust in the universal plan seems to be the key here ✨
jessica says:
Apr 10, 2017
whooo lots going on! but support, thank you!!!!
Samira Morrar says:
Apr 10, 2017
Wow. Such a powerful time. It is felt. Big changes have been made, more grounding is felt. There is a huge gap closing with the collective. More beings are rising up into their truth and so many shifts are arising to bridge the gap between spirit and earth. For so long I was high high high in the ethereal realms and I’m coming down now I can feel it. All that high energy and intuition is merging itself to the earth plane. Such a powerful force on the individual and collective right now. Thank you for this post I appreciate this sacred space <3
Sarah says:
Apr 10, 2017
Thank you for sharing this wisdom with love. Received with gratitude as we trust all is as it should be and continue to work on releasing and healing ourselves for the collective. ❤
Marie Ann says:
Apr 10, 2017
A group of friends and I were mentioning how wonderful it is when these astral insights come out the day before the full moon to better prepare us. Thanks for making this available to so many people.
Louisa says:
Apr 10, 2017
Thank you for sharing your insights, I always look forward to reading your newsletter. I feel inspired and hopeful.
Blessings to you
Jo says:
Apr 10, 2017
Thank you again for your healing (and spot-on!) words of life poetry!!!!
Angelia says:
Apr 10, 2017
GRATITUDE to the authors as I use this wisdom to prepare to harness the power of the full moon. Growth to all.
Kara says:
Apr 10, 2017
Beautifully worded as always. Thank you!!
Sarah says:
Apr 10, 2017
Thank you for sharing this .
However , I must say that American Astrologers are getting very self indulgent lately (since elections).
Yes the rest of us get that you have FINALLY woke up as a nation from your deep and long sleep – but Univrse and Astrology is not only about what is happening in the USA …
other countries have been having their awakenings , revolutions , evolutions , social and other challenges for a loooong time … how come that only NOW , suddenly all the stars in our collective universe are connected to American change … every now and then someone talks about sixties, political change … like nothing of these kind of things have been happening for decades in other places ?
For astrologers to so very one nation oriented is really unusual … I do hope America is awakening finally , but I also hope that awakening is not only tho themselves – there is whole world beyond USA …
Ankita says:
Apr 10, 2017
I was feeling overwhelmed by the extreme emotions and uncentred. That’s when I sought the guidance. Thanks fpr sharing this so that we can be better prepared for handling the times ahead.
Irina says:
Apr 10, 2017
Beautiful <3
Thank you.
Rebekka says:
Apr 10, 2017
Deep down inside
Rooted from the base of the spine
Going up to the heart
Are the survival chakras aligned
Being a house
Of our emotion and fear
From when we were born
To where we are here
Making us feel secure,
Confident and connected to all
But when they are hurt
Reacting unnatural
Nature is giving, relaxed and at peace
The opposite, protecting and defending
Covering up it’s dis-ease
Our roots go deep and ground to be strong
But when unbalanced only try to hold on
Awakening the spiral of life from the base
Can bring the healing of every life’s phase
From childhood to teenage and growing old
Releasing the density of emotions kept safe like gold
Giving the chakras the space to spin free
Making us lighter and giving joy to just be
Connecting the heart and from there to above
Forgiving ourselves and believing in love
Only love has the power to set free and evolve
Knowing it is how negativity dissolves
To be right, to be victim, to have the better way
Bring on frustrations, and feelings of betray
Fooling ourselves, because no one is more
Believing that, only brings war
So when the heart can shine
The higher chakras align
From the root to the top
Life’s energy doesn’t stop
To the place where you can feel that you are one as all
And from there connect to the eternal
Arriel says:
Apr 11, 2017
Beautiful poem Rebekka. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
mathew says:
Apr 11, 2017
Namas te Rebekka ThankU!
Mélanie says:
Apr 12, 2017
Merveilleux ✌
dana says:
Apr 10, 2017
Ray says:
Apr 10, 2017
This is so so perfect. Thanks everyone, especially the astrologolical writers and the poet :) my goodness. Wow, I LOVE mystic mamma! Always sums things up for me perfectly, restores my faith in astrology. I sat by the ocean this morn and watched the waves, then walked through a mini forest with Kawa kawa and came to a small building called a Chironium that held a yin yang mosiac embedded into the floor, with a sculpture of a woman with a cave under her, with a crystal in it, and a circle on her belly. I feel these things come to me as messages, to show me how in tune I am with the earth. Suffice to say i believe in magic ;) Namaste, enjoy this soft moon as she washes away the hurt even if it comes up and hurts and is a bit tense to say the least! X
Erin says:
Apr 11, 2017
I love your artwork!
Katherine says:
Apr 11, 2017
Super beautiful. Thanks all.
Kathy says:
Apr 11, 2017
Thank you so much for sharing these insights. It is such a welcomed relief in understanding the intensities that I feeling. Namaste xo
Erica says:
Apr 11, 2017
Wow and it’s my 30th birthday!!! (4/11)
Dr. Jocelyn says:
Apr 11, 2017
This guidance is so helpful, reminding me that I’m not the only one facing these enormous processes. Letting go of the need to struggle against the full pink moon energy is a good first step. Detaching from the need and habit of trying to control life’s situations. 4am seems to be my most sacred time to connect with God and Spirit. In this stillness I am best able to access these profound ideals. Transferring the clarity to the pressure-filled moments of social engagement is the challenge.
Afefe says:
Apr 11, 2017
I love your site, not just for the amazing content you offer, but also for the people who visit and comment. It makes me feel like part of a larger whole of healers and transformers, people who are working and living to celebrate life rather than focus on all the distractions we are bombarded with daily. I am humbled and awed by humanity, especially as it is reflected through Mystic Mamma. Namaste. Peace. Ase.
jean lumsden says:
Apr 11, 2017
Thank you all, as always. I did so love the bit about taking a deep
breath, and then remembering to exhale. I did laugh, as despite doing
yoga for years, find myself, not only forgetting to breath out, but
holding the breath? Many thanks. Namaste.
Steve says:
Apr 11, 2017
When even words can’t take the flow
So gaps appear in body, mind, soul.
When going backwards feels to slow
And there’s no forward rush from long ago
When time stands still
For you not them
And carpenters build on shifting sand
As turning tends to lead to dust
The bold step down
The weak give up
When metal bends and brings no joy
Old structures fall
Young girl – young boy
For time stands still
How long it lasts
Neither angel nor demon to guide my path
Just hollowed rooms
And consequence
Of casting spells
While Upside down
Laura Lea says:
Apr 12, 2017
My heart fills with pure gratitude for Mystic Mamma and all of the beautiful words and insights that she shares. This website has truly changed my life by lifting me up from darkness and leading me to my highest self.
Forever grateful,
Laura Lea
Dawn says:
Apr 14, 2017
I missed the Insights before the full moon, but I believe it is never to late to read what is ahead for me. I am so grateful for you and your words of wisdom. They always ring true! Be well!