Here is some gathered insight for this FULL MOON in LEO. First from the always spot-on Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology Blog:
“Sun in Aquarius while the Moon in Leo, both on opposite ends of the table metaphorically really want to get along and find harmony between how the heart feels and what the mind says. We may even wrestle with fixed images or ideas of how situations should be or how to solve them.”
“Around a full moon phase, emotional turbulence may be felt and under this Full Moon phase, around love, creativity and or even children (either or your physical children or inner child). One or more of these themes may be center stage. We must take a deeper look at love itself.”
“If we look at the other planets connecting to the Full Moon in Leo, we have Mercury teaming up with the Sun in Aquarius at 18 degrees. This is a direct opposition or conflict energy that stirs the pot so to speak. It’s possible that people may blurt out news, information or pent up emotions onto “others.”  If emotions have been bottled up, things may spew out now since the tension feels like its growing. You may want to think before you speak and not let the emotional reaction get the best of you. For there is no taking the words back once they are out there.”

© Copyright 2001 – 2012 – Dipali Desai and www.

Astrologer Elsa Elsa echos a similar heads up about communication:
“The dramatic Full Moon in Leo on February 7th will be especially “interesting”.  This is because Mercury is conjunct the Sun at 18 Aquarius, the same degree as the full moon. Because Mercury is involved, expect to see the energy of the full moon come out your mouth and the mouths of others.  I’m taking about sensational speech and the like.”
Interesting take from
“The Horoscope of the Full Moon in Aquarius – Leo centers just on the issues that many of us face during adolescence, and yet they never really get solved. Who are my friends? Why are they my friends? And who am I? am I different when I’m with these people as opposed to those other people? Am I popular? Am I liked?”
“Many of you will be feeling those same feelings and nagging questions around the full moon. The Sun moon opposition makes has no aspects to an otherwise harmonious horoscope. This builds up energy where all is well in life, except one small thing.”
“That one small thing is the way you present yourself (Leo) around your group or your friends (Aquarius). You can expect old scars from high school, when you felt rejected or unpopular to come and re-visit. On the other hand, you can take this chance and stop playing the games you hate and that you have outgrown.”
“Any acts that you are putting on just to be liked and accepted will not work so well any more, you can take a break from the show, and look for friends that like you just the way you are…”
Another take about this Aquarius Sun/Leo Moon energy (group vs. individual in relationships) from Cosmic Potential Astrology Blog:
“With this Full Moon (Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo), we are reminded that even though we are part of a whole (reinforced by Neptune entering Pisces on 3rd February), we must also leave our own mark and incorporate our passion in what we do (Leo).  It is about gaining a balance between selfishness & selflessness.  We don’t want too much of either one.  With a tight conjunction between the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, there is a strong tendency to focus on the group mind.  Believe it or not, we are all going after similar goals – peace and happiness.  Identify what makes your heart sing and focus on that.  God has created someone else to help those you cannot reach – it merely is a division of labour; embrace your uniqueness (Sun semi-square Uranus) and overcome obstacles (Sun quincunx Mars in retrograde).”
Lastly from astrologer April Elliot Kent from
“During the Sun in Aquarius season, collective identity and common purpose are energized, to the extent that your Leo self may be feeling a tad undernourished. At this Full Moon in Leo, painful memories of creative, romantic, and social hurts may be stirring. Rather than pushing these unhappy memories hastily to one side, perhaps there’s something to be learned from them.
At the Leo Full Moon, we’re asked to meditate about the kind of fuel that powers the engine of our hearts – and to seek our place in the hearts of others. If you’re feeling tired and stale, schedule some time alone for creative play. If you’ve been feeling as though you don’t belong anywhere, maybe it’s because you’re trying to fit yourself into shapes that don’t suit you. This Full Moon is an opportunity to step back for a moment and get reacquainted with your passions – to make your own kind of music, as the old song says – and to trust that they will unite you and the people with whom you truly belong.” 
Copyright © April Elliott Kent