FULL MOON in Capricorn Friday, JULY 15th, 2011
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“This Full Moon will continue opportunities to purify our lives and find rewards for having fulfilled our responsibilities up to now. It’s a major turning point in the times, since we have 4 points of a 7 pointed Star, or Great Septile, at work over the next two weeks.
“The whole world is at a critical turning point where we must find compassionate ways to link with others to assist the whole to survive through a rough patch…”
“Here ‘especially sensitive and intellectually gifted individuals’ can ‘give form and meaning’ to situations and interactions, ‘mirroring and influencing’ society, “‘discussing the significance of what is, and … image what might be.’ A degree of ‘intellectualization,’ here we find light and power in being objective yet fully involved in ‘events and hopes” of the times, and can make real what to others may be an aspiration.’
“So we are now illuminated over the next two weeks by what we share, what we mirror, what we discuss, and the forms and meaning we give to our interactions. He says this degree falls in the Span of Ingenuousness, Act of Stabilization, and Scene of Consolidation on the Social-Cultural level…”
“We can find illumination in the reflections and projections generated by our interactions with others who share specialized interests, thus helping us achieve personality integration on social, emotional, and cultural levels of life. This can take shape through the circumstances and people who recognize our genius, or special qualities arising from our self-dedications, and how well we’ve discharged our duties on behalf of a greater whole or some special element of our social existence…”
“The next two weeks offer us opportunities to join in fellowship with others who share our interests AND offers chances for us to learn from their gifts and they from ours. Many will find a good compensation for work done in the past, and with no major frictional aspects in play (other than the long term Uranus square Pluto showing upheaval through 2013) this period will be highly specializing with gifts despite the agitation of the sesquisquares.”
“Many will find an enduring Truth, or “permanent value” during this time which will affect their dedication and what is to be anticipated. Sharing and growth toward a happy social integration will be very favorable, as will transforming the physical into more ethereal forms of potency.”
“So despite the weirdness, it should be a fairly happy time for many, with lots of interactions that show us the limitlessness of our experience. Follow your feelings into decisions and actions that help you integrate what need integrating, and then get more information and new ideas to come to a clear vision. Allow your information files to be updated, and follow the flow into new actions.”
“This is a very active and diverse time, with activities spanning 8 signs. Take a broad view, take the initiative, use your imagination, be gently and sweetly determined, keep it simple and straightforward, and move step by careful step into walking the way into a new life, while anticipating a freer, more playful life to come.”