The Full Moon of Aquarius is known as the Full Thunder or the Full Buck Moon ~ Thunder relating to the thunder storms that pop up in the heat of summer and Buck relating to the first velvet-coated growth of the bucks’ antlers, which they shed once the antlers are grown.
Low down by Lyn Goldberg:
“August 13, 2011 will bring an Aquarius Full Moon. It’s another moment of perfection that this Moon is Aquarius. Things have really been moving toward change–the radicalness of extremes.”
Have you been wondering what has been going on? Have you been experiencing erraticness of your day and your mood? The events of Washington and the Stock Market are a reflection of the larger energies out there in the heavens—our macrocosm, are dancing a cathartic harmonic, that has us co-creators here on Earth meeting this energy with an aerobic breath!
Hold on—the full Moon happens on Saturday and I’m believing by Sunday we will be able to take a deep breath and let our heartbeat get closer to a fast walk pace rather than the jumping jacks of the last 2 weeks. I’m always looking for the upside and this time it is the fact that we are told we need exercise-we need to raise our heartbeat up several times a week. That’s our microcosm. It appears our Solar System needs to raise their vibrating energy too. When we raise our heartbeat, we are helping our bodies slough off the toxins in our bodies. When our macrocosm does it is basically the same—old energies are sloughed off. The issue is as we are part of the macrocosm we get to, by default, start sloughing. It is all part of this MAJOR transformation we are in.”
Pay attention to what your surrounds are telling you. Right now the reflection is up pretty strong and it is a good time to listen, even to what is unpleasant because old stuff to clear out–wants clearing. A Full Moon in Aquarius wants to bring in the unique possibility. Watch for the creativity as you reach for the good feeling place.”
“And on August 26 Mercury comes out of retrograde–It will be a time to move forward with what you are learning in your reflection then. “
From Lena Stevens:
“This is a day for gratitude, gratitude and more gratitude. This may be challenging if you are in a place of being challenged. Trust that gratitude is the best antidote for feeling small, limited, insignificant and irritated. There are heavy influences now that are bringing out aggressive behaviors and reactionary activity in others. You yourself may be feeling a bit off and not know why.
Don’t take anything personally and spend some time in awareness exercises and being present. Make yourself energetically available to something wonderful landing in your lap without planning, effort or obsession. In this way you move your attention away from what might be wrong and towards what you are creating that is right. And stay away from those who do not support you.”
From Dipali Desai‘s Celestial Space Astrology Blog:
“The Full Moon in Aquarius symbolism reminds not to place our emotions and feelings in deep freeze for too long and to address any underlying pattern or issue that requires healing and change. We may want to think and be aloof where actually we need to dive into the heart and express what’s going on inside – authentically.”
“Venus in Leo is on one side and Mercury in Leo on the other side of the Full Moon in Aquarius which adds a extra few layers of drama, hot headed under the collar and sensitivity. It is a lot to juggle at once. Watch how your words may scar or impact self and others now especially since emotions run a wee bit sensitive during a Full Moon phase. You can weigh things out now, to stay attached to the past or a past love who does not reciprocate your feelings or to move forward and create a new future with a open heart approach.” © Copyright 2011 Dipali Desai ~ All Rights Reserved.
From Divine Harrmony’s In Harmony Astrology Blog:
“There are a lot of tense aspects to this full moon- so we can expect a lot of emotional energy to arise with a need to find a healthy way to express it. Luckily the full moon is sextile to the north node- so bringing to consciousness whatever needs to be looked at/dealt with is in total alignment with our Soul’s evolution and our destined path of growth. This week is very intense- but intensity is a tool for transformation. Most people would just sit on their butts if nothing was prodding them to grow. This week we definitely are given many opportunities to grow! if we can deal with what comes up at this full moon and find closure over the next two weeks- we can begin the very powerful new moon in virgo with a clean slate. Whatever you deal with now you can get final closure on. whatever you prolong will carry over and on until you finally deal with it. why wait?