“You can recognize and you can feel the power of the journey of another being in the moments of mutual recognition that you will come to share with many, as you venture forth with newfound eyes…
“Each chance encounter with a being who tugs at your awareness from beneath the surface, has been placed there strategically by you to reinforce a common thread.
“Each of you has danced this dance before, most likely with each other. And the ease with which you slip into the rhythms of interaction with these perfect strangers underscores the significance of these seemingly random connections.
“Take the time make the time to explore what is shared mutually, particularly when it appears that the other person is the one that has the most to gain from the encounter. For these experiences are the ones likely to leave you enriched in the ways that really matter.
“None of you is here on a singular path like a sprinter whose win is dependent upon remaining ahead of the pack. Each of you has progressed as you have largely due to the sudden surge in a wave you’re all riding together. And it is the collective you that is ascending, even though from your personal perspective it appears that you alone are making these quantum leaps.
“There are countless others who have given you a vibrational leg up on this ride, so you could ride the crest of the waves together as One.
“And in transcending the sense of separation you have spent a lifetime justifying, and surrendering to the mutuality of the momentum you share, there are moments magical moments when you know you have not imagined it.
“You have experienced that Oneness. You know you are that Oneness. You know, because you’ve been there.”
~Rasha from Oneness