Some very interesting download right here… amazing to reflect how we are all swimming through big energetic waves together on this journey. We are truly not alone. We all swim in the same energetic sea of vibration~~~
Chanelling from Dana Mrkich:
“A series of flares over the past week has left us feeling extremely tired physically and emotionally…Every flare seems to be coming with its own unique flavour and message. The one we experienced on Saturday 30 July was a particularly difficult one for many…”
“The flare brought up a lot around ‘I have to do it all on my own’ (and feeling burdened/resentful/sad/angry etc about having to do everything on your own, shouldering the bulk of financial obligations on your own, or family responsibilities or whatever it is). If you relate, ask yourself if you feel you receive the support you need?”
“It is time to let go of any old ‘ I have to do it on my own’ stuff, and replace it with
‘I hand all this to Source energy (or whatever word you want to use) and trust in Source to help me, to support me, to provide all I need, to be there for me, I don’t want to do it on my own anymore, and thanks to Source energy I actually don’t have to.’
As you say this (and feel it/believe it) you may feel a literal lightening of your load around your neck, shoulder and back areas, where many of us are holding tension specifically related to the issues that have come up lately.”
“This “’have to do it all on my own’ energy can also manifest as feeling like you are supposed to ‘have it all together’, feeling like you’re not supposed to show emotion or express anything other than happy sunshiney positivity. There is a huge misconception, not only in our mainstream society but also amongst the ‘spiritual’ peeps that so called negative emotions are bad, and something to be avoided at all cost. Smiling through a difficult inner experience, when you really and truly aren’t feeling happy, can be just as debilitating…”
“When we repress what we are feeling, we are essentially judging something within us as ‘bad’, when actually it is a powerful messenger trying to get our attention. When we continually ignore our inner messengers they have to find more and more obvious ways to get our attention – hello shoulder and neck pain, hello chronic illnesses, hello physical body symptoms that we’d rather not experience.”
“You’ll notice a lot of ‘self-imposed’ stuff is being released right now (and really, everything is ‘self-imposed’), including old beliefs around how we think we should be, what we thought we should be doing with our lives, who we thought we were and so on. Our attachment to these and other stories are going, going, gone.”
“In their place will be a new story, or no story, or a blank story yet to be written – either way it can feel vulnerable and dishevelling to be standing there energetically naked having no conscious idea of who you are anymore. Think of it like an old coat that is being removed to reveal a sparkling outfit underneath, but you have been with that coat for so long that to be without it is, at first, completely disorientating to your sense of self and identity. “
“It is normal and natural to have bouts of grief and confusion come up – we are saying goodbye to so much of who we thought we were, and even though from our higher self perspective we know it’s time to say goodbye, from our human self perspective it can bring up a lot of different emotions.”
“Another energetic influence prevalent right now is the one of expectation, whether on ones self or on another, and deep disappointment when you or others fall short of the mark. When we say fall short of the mark, we really mean the mark that has been self-imposed by you, who knows when for who knows what reason…”
“This is a good time to ask yourself are you holding others in an old or false mould that doesn’t actually fit them (causing tension between you)? Are you needing or wanting others to be something that they can’t, or don’t want, to be (creating anger, hurt or frustration for yourself)? When we do this, we are placing the power of how we feel in someone else’s hands….This doesn’t mean we have to like what they’re doing or not doing. It does mean we need to make some decisions around how we choose to respond.”
The difficulty with lots of relationships now is there is a huge vibrational gap between many people. It’s like we’re all in our own Willy Wonka great glass elevator that goes up and down, forward and back, sideways and every which ways. So in any given moment you may or may not be on the same vibrational level as your parent / friend / partner/ family member / work colleague. This has always been true to a degree, but whereas before the different vibrational levels were able to interact a bit more fluidly, now it is becoming almost impossible.”
“As a result people who are not on your vibrational level, or on one that is not compatible with yours, are either not going to be able to be in your physical reality for a while (or anymore), or if you are in the same room you’ll feel quite uncomfortable, there’ll be an unnecessary argument or other such tension.”
“This ‘vibrational gap’ thing is tricky business because again on our higher self level it makes complete sense why some people just can’t be in our lives right now – if their vibration is not in harmony with ours (or vice versa) the two just can’t meet any more than oil and water can merge. So in that sense, if someone has dropped out of your life you may be being protected from an unpleasant interaction that really doesn’t have to happen.”
“Yet on a human level we don’t always know that these vibrational gap type laws exist, and even when we do know it can be hard to be with the reality that someone you used to care about is no longer in your life, or is not acting in the same way you would with a given situation”
“It is very much time for a ‘live and let live’ philosophy. People have to do what they have to do right now, even if you can’t understand it or relate to it one iota. Easier said than done, yet done it must be all the same.”
“It is increasingly a time of letting go of any pressure or expectation you have on not only others, but also yourself because there is just SO much shifting right now it can be very hard to have a set goal and expect yourself to reach that goal for the simple reason that some other course of events may have much more potential to awaken/heal/transform something in you that is next in the queue for awakening/healing/transformation…”
“We are living through a year where every day, and sometimes every hour, will have a different flavor – ranging from extreme well being and clarity to disillusionment and despair and everything in between. Knowing that we have strong energy waves passing through us, for the purpose of clearing debris and raising our vibration, can help us to ride our own personal rainbow roller coaster, as crazy as it can get some days!”
“Some days you may want to consciously work with whatever is coming up, other days you may just want to take deep breaths till it passes. Everyone will have a different way of getting through these times, it’s really what works best for you and that may be different every day!
“…And remember, we are not alone. Not one of us. Not ever.”
 COPYRIGHT  (c) Dana Mrkich 2012. 