“In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging.
“By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected at superluminal speeds across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes.
“This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality.
“At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as world peace, the underlying constructs of reality shift and a new reality begins filtering into human experience.”
“Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and know that they are co-creating the larger dream.”
~Ariel Spilsbury & Michael Bryner from The Mayan Oracle: A Galactic Language of Light
Esther Essinger says:
May 14, 2012
I am certain that this is true, especially because of the scientific support for these concepts that comes to us from quantum physics.
Valerie says:
Nov 27, 2016
I wept yesterday as my son and I prayed with and for the Standing Rock warriors at 3 PM CST. As I read this, I came to understand more fully what the energy was that moved through me yesterday.
theWhiteRabbit says:
Jan 18, 2019
This is the description of the Blue Night tribe/signature in Mayan oracle. I know, because I am one too.
Oskar says:
Jan 15, 2020
It happen to me few times to be in conscious dreams but I’d like to be in grade of controlling them.Is there a way tohave
Controle over them? If yes please can you teach me how to do it? I’ll be really grateful thanx