

Here are some  wonderful Astral Insights from Sarah Varcas from about a powerful configuration occurring 29th November to 1st December 2013: Black Moon Lilith conjunct the Black Sun. She writes:
“This weekend the cosmos speaks of an opportunity to perceive a level of existence rarely available to us. It is as if we have a direct line to Source, toll-free and without interference. An alliance between the Black Moon and the Black Sun act as the switchboard making the connection for us, but we have to make the call and initiate contact.
“Of course, in making that call we are, in fact, calling ourselves. Source is, after all, within and without, all around and everywhere, but recent stresses and challenges may have left us questioning that fact.
“Many have been feeling thoroughly disillusioned and depressed of late, wondering what’s going on and where we’re really headed. These are important questions to ask, actually, so such times are not without their value, but this weekend we get a pat on the back from the Divine and some encouragement in the form of a ‘face to face’ reminder that there is so much more going on than meets the ear and eye.
Whatever the most burning questions in our hearts, this weekend is a time to put those questions to the universe in whatever way feels right for us. We may want to shout them out to sea, whisper them to the stars, write them in a letter, paint them, dance them, feel their tension in our bodies. We may want to choose cards or runes, cast oracles or allow the flames of a fire or the clouds in the sky to give us a response. We may have no words for these questions. That’s fine too. The Divine doesn’t need words, but if we do it will give them to us when the time is right. Sometimes words need to be found to help us process our inner landscape, other times they must be relinquished to do the same. Whatever it is we need right now, the universe is ready to deliver as we make that connection and share the deepest questions, desires and wonderings of our heart.
“And as we do so there is profound wisdom in the air. The answers which come to us may not be what we expect. The old stories we have told ourselves about our purpose, the meaning of our existence, the structure of the universe, the interface between the physical and spiritual landscapes of being, may be thrown into question. Not in a way that disturbs and unsettles, but in a way that liberates and reignites our commitment to fulfil the potential of the human race at this time. This is the wisdom of light coming through the dark luminaries of the Black Moon and Black Sun. These are cosmic forces which wake us up to truth and keep us awake no matter what it takes!”
“The energy with us this weekend is a pre-cursor to that which will accompany us through 2014. It comes to disrupt our habitual ‘take’ on life, to reveal the bit we’re missing, so integral to the growth of wisdom and presence. Whatever answers or information comes to us now we would be wise to take note. If it makes no sense immediately, write it down, return to it, contemplate it, allow its truths to unfold within you.
“This is cosmic wisdom, essential for our path ahead both personally and globally. It comes from the deepest reaches of consciousness, the highest planes of existence, and it reaches both into and out of us to touch our lives here on earth and shape them ready for the journey onward.”
© Copyright 2013 ~Sarah VarcaAll Rights Reserved
So tune in and have a wonderful weekend!