IMAGE: International Times (IT)Â 1971Â
12-12-12 is here and there is so much talk and excitement about this auspicious numerological stargate! We will not experience a triple number again! Many channelers are saying it is a powerful energetic portal where we can receive Light Codes that activate our 12- strand DNA. James Tyberion and many Ascension-ists believe it’s the final activation of the 144 crystalline grid around our planet. Others say it’s a gateway of Divine Love and the activation of Christ Consciousness on Earth.
As with everything, it all comes done to what frequency we are choosing to tune in to. When it comes to these long awaited dates of 12-12-12 and 12-21-21 the frequencies of information span the gamut, but the overlying trend is that we are feeling the excitement of the shift. We are amidst wonderful changes that are transforming the consciousness on the planet.
We are no longer on the fringe but slowly moving into the center as we seek to break out of the cultural “box” that has placed limits on what possible. We are breaking the shackles of centuries of indoctrination of fear and reawakening the path of the heart that tells us to choose LOVE instead.
As each individual begins to knock at the door of their own being, we open the way for change to occur. Since it all begins with the individual, through personal change we affect the collective.
So let’s keep it grounding into our selves and into our Mother Earth as we feel the excitement of the changes occurring within and around us. Our lives have definitely changed. Our experience of life now is much different than it has ever been! We are ready for a new way. It’s just a deep knowing inside that is being reawakened. Trust that knowing! Allow that feeling-self to emerge and guide your day-to-day decisions.
So enjoy these cosmic energies pouring down on the planet. The highs and lows are all a part of it. Feel the fullness.
Here is a small roundup for this 12.12.12 portal activation…
From Don Mariano Quispe of the Q’ero Lineage (received trough Dennis Alejo who is working with him as interpreter on his travels to bring us his wisdom) via K’anchaq sonqo – Heart of light:
According to the prophecies of the paqos (which source from the Inka lineage), the forthcoming date of 12~12~12 is a ‘portal’ day – a day that provides a doorway through which we can experience and cultivate increased access to ourselves within all layers of our beings, and most potently, with access to our inner stars.”
“Don Mariano Quispe, of the Q’ero Lineage, shares that our inner stars are connected to our souls and link us with the kawsay pacha (world of living energy) and with the cosmos, in its infinite seen and unseen manifestations. “
“Each of our inner stars holds information about where we came from and where we are going. It carries information about our biological lineages and about our spiritual lineages. It is like a guiding star – or a guiding light: illuminating the pathways of our souls from the past (as informed by our bioligical lineages and by our past lifetimes) through the present and into the future.”
“By shining light through our biological and our spiritual lineages, our inner stars can help us to stay focused on our souls’ plans and on our divine contracts.”
“Our inner stars can illuminate areas from our past (including past generations and past lives) that are infused with hucha (heavy energy), like emotional hurts from our childhood or physical trauma, etc.”
“Our inner star can reveal these areas of hucha to us, and support us to align with cleansing and illuminating our past so that our present and future can be clean and clear and radiant. “
“Don Mariano encourages us to work with our ‘planets’ – with our energy bodies – on 12/12/12, and to make contact with our inner stars. He invites us to receive and retrieve information from our inner stars with the intention of aligning more fully and expansively with our souls and with the offerings that our souls wish to make in the world during our lifetime. “
“We can even use our inner stars like light beams, shining them on our pasts and on our futures, to see clearly the gifts and the treasures and gems; and using them to step out from the shadows (including our own shadows) and into the full brilliance of the truth of our souls. “
“The paqos have been encouraging us to delve deep and to do our cleansing and clearing work for the past several years in anticipation and preparation for these very times and dates – 12/12/12 and 12/21/12 – that are upon us.”
“And they know that we have been doing our work – to clear our energy bodies so that they vibrate with increased spaciousness.
They commend us for our work.”“They are now encouraging us to grow and expand the light of our inner stars, filling the planets of our energy bodies with this light.”
“It is time.
It is time to be the light – the luminosity – that we have been looking for.”“We are ready, and it is time.”
Also from Shanta Gabriel chanelling Archangel Gabriel:
“Dear Ones,
The 12:12:12 Activation on December 12, 2012 will bring the highest frequencies ever encoded in the Light of the Christ Consciousness to the planet for transformation of the Earth and all beings…”
“The 12:12:12 represents an activation of Divine Love within, through and around you. When Divine Love activates the light-encoded filaments within your being, there is a communion of awakening. It moves the body into the 12-helix system and allows the connection of the DNA strands. This activates subtle energy that unites the new 12-chakra system…”
“Through the 12:12:12 there will be a sense of being reborn into unity with all aspects of you. Greet yourself with a new level of respect and honor your commitment to this life. Your willingness to proceed on the Path of Light throughout time has brought you to a completion of one aspect of your souls journey. Your task now is to take this new fullness deeply into your being to empower you. Let the Christ Light permeate every cell and create a new healing force that will pervade your consciousness.”
“When you integrate this alignment within you, the Divine Love in your energy fields will activate your DNA and become so pervasive that your world will literally begin to change around you.”
“With the 12:12:12 Activation, new structures are being built in the human energy system…Each person will now feel the soul impulse to move into purposeful action, retreat or choose to leave the planet entirely to await a more developed time on Earth…”
“Create an empowered vision to serve you as you raise your energy frequencies within the new light structures of the 12:12 codes. This will activate your energy centers in a new way. Create a deep vital connection to an Earth awaiting this time of honoring. You have unseen partners whose work includes your evolution, to assist in the creation of a fully functioning world that operates on a higher frequency of Light and Divine Love…”
“Receive Forgiveness~
In the Activation of the 12:12:12, Divine Forgiveness is provided for a healing of old wounds. Your job is to receive the healing by accepting forgiveness for past errors you believe you made. Allow the light of Divine Love to permeate all the old structures you built around the idea of shame and unworthiness.”“Forgive the attacks on yourself for having failed to do whatever you thought you ‘should be doing.’ This new Light encoded with the Christed energy carries a frequency of healing and love. It also holds an alignment with your multi-dimensional selves in order to create more unity and wholeness within your being.”
Update: Here is another channelling that felt resonant from Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghof :
“Do not simply look to the proof that is being presented on your television each and every night, that it is a dark world and that there is brutality and violence with little hope. Look instead inside of yourself to see the burgeoning energies of the Divine that are now increasing. Look around you to the planet herself. See her beauty and her radiance. “
“Understand that as you accept this living Divine force, it will energize you. It will enhance you. It will elevate your frequencies and vibrations and it will lead you forward.”
“This is not, unfortunately, to say that all will be open to this living force, all will understand it or accept it. For many have stayed asleep. Many have as their spiritual purpose, the intent and desire to have the experience of a planet in chaos and destruction while the ascension process proceeds, not ever understanding that this is a moment of a shifting consciousness, of the intervention of Divine consciousness and it is a state of ignorance and being asleep.”
“But, as it was and is the soul purpose to have such experiences, this Awareness says that, even this is part of the higher plan of the Divine. It is part of the ongoing and the evolution of each and every soul, and each and every aspect of the soul that is having a physical experience.”
“For those who are awakening more and more to the Divine essence that is beginning to truly stir now and will accelerate … and then go into super mode from the 12th of December until the 21st of September. This Awareness says to you: all, look for the miracles and the magic of life. Look for the wonder and the joy in the unfolding events. Recognize the greater purpose behind the events.”
“Do not be fooled or misled by those who preach violence and destruction, chaos and doom. That even while the events unfold around you, that are chaotic and upheaval, that are destructive and demoralizing, do not be led into these energies… “
“Thus, it is that this Awareness says: be joyful. Be uplifted. Be spontaneous in the celebration of the Divine and the unfolding events. This is not a tragic time, but rather the heralded time that has so long been predicted, so long awaited by so many. That this is indeed the end times of the old and the new dawn of the enlightenment and ascension of consciousness.”
Lastly some interesting numerical info from Simion through Jill Amariah Mara:
“Numerology is significant in the universe. It is a universal language that speaks of frequency and resonance on a multiplicity of levels. One can have loads of fun delving into this language and in further sensing the vibrations that go with it… Just the contemplation of the numbers and meanings will put you into the frequencies that lie within their magic.”
“Firstly, you can plainly see that the number 12 is prominent within these dates. 12 is a number of universal import and you see its repeating patterns in your culture; 12 hours of the day, 12 months of the year, 12 in a dozen, 12 zodiac signs, 12 apostles, and 12 days of Christmas, for example. These relationships are not a coincidence, nor are they about convenience.”
“Within the 12 you find the number 3; the sacred trinity, third chakra, and number of creation. It is universal that when you put two things, ideas, or what have you, together, a third is naturally created. In these December dates, you have three threes. This equals 9. Thus the creational value is tripled and the result is the completion of a cycle, which is a meaning inherent in the number 9. From this we can plainly see the vibrations at play of creation and completion, in the cycle of development.”
“…Some of you will also note that 12.12.2012= 11. This numerology also has a spiritual significance as to transcendence, and the doubled power of one, and its ability as an initiator and propulsion unit for the start of new growth and new evolutionary urges.”
“No matter how you slice the numbers, there is potency inherent in these dates for your civilization, and this is no mistake. Not to mention, we do suggest you take a look at the astrological influences at play during this month. You will find some interesting planetary alignments that will add to the energetic forces.”
Blessings to all and PEACE on Earth~
(PS: If you wish to share please use icons below to share link rather than copying/pasting full report into your FB pages and websites. Thank you!)
Phoebe says:
Dec 11, 2012
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Lisa Eddy says:
Dec 11, 2012
Thank you, all of you. for putting these beautiful, divinely channedled writings out here!!! So necessary & supportive. Much love and appreciation! xoxo
Mary says:
Dec 12, 2012
I appreciate this. But I just read about another mall shooting in Oregon. Why is all I can ask. God help us all.
mm says:
Dec 12, 2012
@MARY I hear you…Check the new update that I added â¤â¤â¤
Carolina Jones says:
Dec 12, 2012
Thank you and blessings!
Mamma Savage says:
Dec 12, 2012
Now go back and read it again, affirmatively, and declare this truth within you. Highest blessings and love to all ~
Staci says:
Dec 12, 2012
Endless amounts of thanks
Suzanne McRae says:
Dec 12, 2012
Blessings for this incredible message.
sasha star says:
Dec 12, 2012
love it love you
Michael says:
Dec 12, 2012
This really resonated with me: “Forgive the attacks on yourself for having failed to do whatever you thought you ‘should be doing.’
12-12-12 Portal to an energetic clearing and new beginning! | Official Site of Jamie Anderson – Professional Snowboarder, Activist, Artist says:
Oct 23, 2013
[…] 12-12-12 Portal to an energetic clearing and new beginning! […]
Cinnabra Arrington says:
Oct 2, 2021
Gratitude for this beloved your infinitely appreciated. This amazing I found this when I did. These numbers have been coming to me for a while now. Now I know why this is amazing. Because the ancestors led me here. Sending you Galactic Love and Prosperity!
Christopher Gooch says:
Jun 20, 2022
This was my 33rd birthday and I was expecting something big to happen like all of I would just become better some how. But when I didnt I realused that it wasnt about me but about everyone and what meaning it could bring to there light.May you all feel the love that I feel from my higher power.
Christopher Gooch says:
Jun 20, 2022
This was my 33rd birthday and I was expecting something big to happen like all of I would just become better some how. But when I didnt I realised that it wasnt about me but about everyone and what meaning it could bring to there light.May you all feel the love that I feel from my higher power.