Posts tagged "Pisces Art"
FULL MOON supermoon lunar ECLIPSE in PISCES september 17th 2024~

FULL MOON supermoon lunar ECLIPSE in PISCES september 17th 2024~

as we move toward this Full Moon Supermoon Lunar ECLIPSE in PISCES on 9.17, we are likely oscillating between worlds...
NEW MOON in Pisces March 10th 2024~

NEW MOON in Pisces March 10th 2024~

let's flow between the known and the unknown between constriction and expansion...
FULL MOON in PISCES September 10th 2022~

FULL MOON in PISCES September 10th 2022~

FULL MOON in PISCES yields an opening, beckoning us to submerge into her healing dreamy waters, and dive deep into the imaginal realms that are here and ever present...
NEW MOON in Pisces February 23rd 2020~

NEW MOON in Pisces February 23rd 2020~

At this *NEW MOON*, the Sun and Moon, the Masculine and Feminine are having meeting in Pisces in order to, like astrologer Molly McCord says, decide "what they are going to create moving forward."