Posts tagged "inner space"
You are inwardly busy with the merging~
"Just when it seems that everything has come to a standstill, the forces of transformation are most active. Refrain from criticizing the process that is taking place within. You are inwardly busy with the merging of your male and female...
Let go and open up again to that space~
"The trick about nowness is that you can let go and open up again to that space. You can do that at any moment, always. But it does take making friends with yourself. It does take coming to know your...
Find happiness in the little things~
"Most people, in their restless search for something significant to happen to them, continuously miss the insignificant, which may not be insignificant at all...
The inner rooms of transformation~
“Startracks. Spiral nebulae. Craters of the moon. She lets herself fall. She falls into the room of her wants. The room where the demands of women are endless. Where her voice has endlessly demanded her to go. This room which...