Posts tagged "healing quote"

Self-compassion is a series of choices~
"Ultimately, self-compassion is a series of choices, a moment by moment conscious turning away from that which will harm your spirit toward that which will nourish and sustain you....

Love soothes our wounds~
"Beneath the many choices we have to make, love, like water, flows back into the world through us. It is the one great secret available to all...

Wholeness, healing, integration is what the inner journey is about~
"Wholeness, healing, integration; that is what the inner journey is about, and it happens when our inner and outer selves, when the world within us and the world around us merge as one...

Reclaim your truth~
As we let go of the past aspects of ourselves that were fragmented and tied into the traumas of the past, we reclaim all those lost parts that have been in the shadows...