dear loves~
we are moving through an evolutionary juncture right now…
this time can feel like a malleable tunnel where certain pieces in our lives are shifting, some dissolving and others coming into view…
some of us might be feeling waves of grief while others could be feeling anticipation and likely also a little out of sorts not knowing exactly what to make of all that we are processing on deeper levels…
certainly things are shifting and so the broader lesson coming in for all of us at this time, is learning how to regulate and care for ourselves through these changes…
this NEW MOON LIBRA Solar ECLIPSE will be conjunct the SOUTH NODE in LIBRA and is highlighting what we are needing to let go of, which in LIBRA, is the tendency to set aside our own needs within certain relational dynamics…
MARS with its extended visit in CANCER, is echoing this lesson wanting to make sure we direct our active will on caring for our Self…
VENUS in SCORPIO is helping bring forth what is really going on and what is stirring beneath the surface..
there is a grace that comes with vulnerability, when we have the courage to reveal ourselves and stand in the truth of our experience…
likely there are deep, honest and revealing conversations that will be had and what we are learning is that in order to come into right balance, we need to lay our cards on the table, we need to be honest with ourselves about how we feel and have the courage to be honest with others as well…
we are in the process of learning how we can show up for ourselves in a way that perhaps we haven’t had before and that truly honors our SOUL…
for in order to have a healthy balanced relationship with others, we must have a balanced and healthy relationship to our own Self…
the spiritual path leads us on this journey of getting to know our Self deeply… and the path of knowing our Self entails learning to embrace all of the parts of us, including those shadowed parts that we could feel shame around…
in confronting the darkness
we move through toward the light
and there is light at the end of the tunnel…
for through the mud,
the ten thousand-petaled lotus blooms
into an all-encompassing opening
of our hearts
to know ourselves fully and deeply
we walk through our shadows and the valley of death
and rise like a new moon with a crown of light
this is what many on Earth will witness with this annular SOLAR ECLIPSE, where the MOON will cross in front of the SUN and some will see a halo of light surrounding her in the darkness…
:: there are 2 extended ECLIPSE posts up in my MM kindred loves inner space, you are welcome to join us :
with all my love~