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Dearly beloveds…
We have an electric NEW MOON rising upon our horizons activating the Aquarian frequencies of Soul power, renewal and liberation…
This NEW MOON in AQUARIUS is being squared by URANUS in TAURUS and could be bringing us unexpected messages, bolts of clarity and realizations…
We have been moving through many changes, challenges and perhaps disappointments…
Whatever heartbreaks we have endured have opened our minds to new revelations…
Like Khalil Gibran said “pain is the breaking of the shell” that encloses our understanding.
We are breaking out of the shell of our previous understandings and awakening to Life on a whole new level…
my messages now live on my PATREON:
a little excerpt….
This NEW MOON rings in the Lunar NEW YEAR of the wood DRAGON!
Ellias Lonsdale says:
“This is it. This is that moment. There is a connection and timing here not to be missed. A clarion call to remember, to return to center, and to join forces with our brothers and sisters to take flight in that revolution in consciousness we started so many Moons ago.” 
tune in with us on my PATREON
with all my love!